User Agreement (Terms of Use)

These provisions (hereinafter referred to as "Rules") determine the general rules, the procedure for using the Site, and the conditions for placing orders on the Site located on the global Internet on the URL address This section of the help system explains the basic terms, and statuses of goods and orders. More information can be found in the corresponding sections on the Help pages of the Site. This section was created to help our customers interact with the Site and its team.

General provisions
An online store available on the global Internet on the URL address, hereinafter called the "Seller" i prowadzony przez Toyworlds sp. z o.o. z oo z siedzibą w Polsce, ul. Mostowa 1, 80-778 Gdańsk, wpisana do Rejestru Przedsiębiorców Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod numerem KRS 0000880263, z podatnikiem numer identyfikacyjny (NIP) 5213918351, REGON 388013714 , o kapitale zakładowym 5.000,00 zł, prowadząca działalność gospodarczą w rozumieniu ustawy z dnia 2 lipca 2004 r. o swobodzie działalności gospodarczej (jednolity tekst: Dz.U. 2010 , Nr 220, Art. 1447 ze zm.).

This agreement is based on the current legislation of the Republic of Poland (including the following provisions: Law of April 23, 1964 - Civil Code; Law of May 30, 2014, on consumer rights; Law of July 18, 2002, on the provision of electronic services) and other legal acts adopted in accordance with them.

To purchase on the Site, the User must register on the Site. By confirming registration on the Site, the User agrees with and accepts the conditions specified in this User Agreement. The fact of acceptance (consent) of the offer is pressing the "Register" button on the Site during registration.

The Seller has the right to make changes in the User Agreement by updating it on the Site.

The use of the Site is possible with compliance with the minimum technical requirements, the implementation of which is necessary for the proper use of the Site, conclusion of an agreement on the Service Provision, or conclusion of a remote contract of sale.

To interact with the Site, the User needs a computer or any other device with the ability to connect to the global Internet equipped with any modern browser able to visit websites that support JavaScript and save cookies. To create an account and shop on the Site, the Buyer must have a valid/active/working email address.

The User whose devices do not meet the minimum technical requirements or who does not have an active email account does not have the right to sue the Seller for the impossibility of accessing the Site.

These Rules are intended for all Visitors to the Site with the URL address on the global Internet unless otherwise provided by a separate provision of the Rules. The User using the Online Store is obliged to comply with the rules of the Online store.

Terms used on the Site
If the Site uses the following capitalized terms, they should be understood as in the meaning below if the context does not indicate otherwise.

A Visitor is a user (guest) of the global Internet, who visited the URL address and interacted with it without registration.

A User is a visitor to the site on the global Internet with the URL address, who created an account, but has not yet placed an order.

A Buyer is an individual who has concluded a Contract of sales and has reached the age of 18 (has a full legal capacity) or a legal entity capable of acquiring rights and accepting obligations on its behalf and making a legal deal with the Seller which is not directly related to business or professional activities, including the purchase of Goods, for purposes not related to business or professional activities. A Visitor that registered on the Site, activated an account, placed an Order, fully paid for it and its delivery is considered a Buyer. A Buyer can purchase Goods for personal use or third parties (as a gift). If a Client is a person with limited legal capacity, he or she cannot make purchases in the Store if he or she does not have the consent of a legal representative.

The Seller is an Online Store available on the global Internet on the URL address managed by limited liability company Toyworlds SP, with headquarters in Poland, st.Mostova 1, 80-778 Gdansk that was included in the Register of entrepreneurs of the National Judicial Registry, maintained by the District Court of the capital of Warsaw in Warsaw, the 13th commercial department of the National Judicial Register, under the number of KRS 0000880263, with the taxpayer identification number (NIP) 5213918351, REGON 388013713714, the authorized capital of 5,000.00 Polish zlotys, carrying out entrepreneurial activities in the meaning of the Law of July 2, 2004, on the freedom of economic activity (single text: Legislative Bulletin of the Laws of Poland 2010, No. 220, Article 1447, with amendments).

A Delivery Service is a legal entity that provides, under an agreement with the Seller, the services of delivering Orders to Buyers to the place specified in their Contracts of sales. Under this User Agreement, Delivery Services are any national postal services and various delivery services that provide the service of forwarding Orders and have an appropriate contract with the Seller.

Personal Data is any information about the identified or identified individual collected in connection with the Buyer's use of the Site for the purposes specified on the Site.

A Privacy Policy is a set of rules for processing and protecting Users' Personal data, which is an integral part of the User Rules available on a separate page of the Site.

A Product is an object (figure, set of figures, toy, book, comic, clothing, board game, accessory, or other) from the universes of Star Wars, presented on the Site and being the subject of a Contract of sales between the Buyer and the Seller. The Seller sells the Goods through the Site for a certain price.

A Price is a value of Goods indicated in the national currency (including taxes) that is due to the Seller for the transfer of the right of ownership of the Goods to the Buyer by the Contract of sales. The Seller can change the Goods’ Price at any time until the contract is concluded.

By Working day - is considered any day from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 4 pm local time (Poland) except weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and official public holidays celebrated in the Republic of Poland.

An Office is a service center where a Buyer can receive additional information on Goods, Site's work, Rules, delivery, etc. The office works at the times specified on the Site.

Technical requirements are minimum technical requirements necessary to use the Site, place an Order, or conclude a Contract of sales. That is, to connect a computer or any other device to the Internet equipped with any modern browser able to visit the websites supporting JavaScript and cookie files. Flash Player might be required to be installed in the browser. The User whose devices do not meet the minimum technical requirements or who does not have an active email account does not have the right to sue the Seller for the impossibility of accessing the Site.

The Site/Online Store is a platform for the sale of various goods and the provision of services offered and managed by the Seller, which is a set of interconnected software solutions available on the global Internet on the URL address On the website, the visitor can receive information about the Product (its availability, price, delivery conditions, etc.), as well as make a retail purchase of the Product of interest.

A Registration Form is a separate page on the Site where the User needs to enter the necessary information (login, delivery address, full name) about him or herself to create an Account on the Site.

An Account is a set of data about the User (entered by the User when registering an Account) stored on the Site. This data is necessary for the User's authentication and access to personal data using which the User can place Orders (conclude new contracts of sale), make a wishlist, view information about previously placed Orders (concluded contracts of sale), and edit data in the «My Account». The User gets access to his or her Account using a username and password. The User enters his or her Account only after activation of registration on the Site. To create an Account the User must have a valid/active email address specified when registering an account. An Account contains the information necessary for identifying the User (login/password) when connecting to the Site.

A "My Account" is a section on a Site that becomes available to the Visitor after registration and Account activation. A «My Account» contains information provided by the Visitor during registration: delivery address, list of orders/preliminary orders and statuses, and much more. The «My Account»is provided to the Buyer as part of the Site in accordance with the Service Agreement.

A Login is a set of alphanumeric symbols or the User's email address necessary for authorization (user identification) on the Site and access to the Account. A Login is created when registering an Account on the Site. A Login is used in registration and each use of the Account. The User is obliged to keep his or her Login in the strictest secret (not to be disclosed to third parties). The Seller cannot change the User's Login.

A Password is a set of alphanumeric symbols necessary for authorization (User identification) on the Site and access to an Account. A Password is created in the process of registering an Account on the Site. The User is obliged to keep his or her Password the strictest secret (not to be disclosed to third parties). The password can be changed in the Account settings. The Seller can provide the User an opportunity to restore the forgotten Password by the method indicated on the Site. The Password, as a rule, is stored in an encrypted or hashed form to ensure its safety, and the Seller cannot change it at the request of the User.

A basket is a separate page on the Site that allows the User to place an Order by adding in one or more Goods that the Buyer wants to purchase from the Seller by remotely filling the Basket on the Site. In the Basket, the Buyer also determines the place of Orders' receipt, the delivery method, and the form of payment. The Buyer creates an order by pressing the "place an order" button in the basket.

A wishlist is an interactive list of desires available in the «My Account», which allows storing links to Goods that interest the Buyer. Upon receipt of the Goods from the wishlist, the Buyer receives a notification about the Product's appearance by email.

A Preliminary order is the Buyer's statement of desire to purchase currently not available Goods on the Site. Upon receipt of the Goods for which the preliminary order is made, the Buyer receives a notification about the Product's appearance by email.

A feedback form is a special page on the Seller’s website, which allows a Visitor and a User to send messages regarding any questions related to the Site’s work, services on it, and Goods.

Checkboxes are elements of the graphic interface of the Site that allow the User to control a parameter with two states: turned on and turned off. A mark is displayed on a turned-on checkbox. By tradition, the flag has a square shape. Using checkboxes, the User can regulate the display/sorting of Goods on the Site, agree to the Seller’s services, and give an agreement to process Personal Data on the Site.

An Information bulletin/subscription to the news is an interactive service of the Seller, providing the User with commercial information about the Seller’s Goods or services in an automatic mode. Commercial information includes notifications about the receipt of new Goods, the opening of preliminary Orders for Goods, shares, and sales. The User may refuse to receive an information bulletin in the «My Account» on the Site.

An order is a separate page available as part of the Site in the «My Account», indicating the Goods that the Buyer would like to purchase. The order page also displays data of the Buyer necessary for concluding and fulfilling the Contract of sales (place of receipt, delivery method, and the form of payment for the goods). The Order sent to the Seller is the Buyer's will, expressing a direct desire to conclude a remote Sales agreement through the Site. An Order can have several statuses that change depending on what is happening with the Order. After placing an Order, the Seller sends electronic notifications about all changes with the Order to the Buyer's email. The Buyer can also see all these changes in the «My Account» on the Site. Each order is assigned a number that the Buyer can see in an electronic message that he or she will receive by email. All messages concerning the Order are generated and sent automatically by the Seller’s website to the email address indicated by the User when registering an account.

A Delivery Cost is a fee for the delivery of the ordered Goods to the delivery address indicated by the Buyer. Delivery Cost specified in the national currency includes goods tax and services tax (VAT). The Buyer selects one of the provided delivery methods when placing an Order. Information on the Delivery Cost of the selected service is indicated when placing an Order and calculated for each Order automatically, depending on the Customer's delivery address. Delivery Cost depends on the weight of the Order, the Customer's delivery address, and the selected delivery method.

A Sales Contract/Contract of Sale is a contract of sale in the meaning of the Civil Code, concluded remotely, that is, through the Site, between the Buyer and the Seller in the meaning of the law of May 30, 2014, on consumer rights (legislative messenger of the laws of Poland 2014, clause 827) and related to the sale of Goods by the Seller to the Buyer for payment of the Price and delivery expenses. Delivery of the Goods by the Seller to the Buyer (after placing an order on the site) and payment for the Order is identical to concluding a Contract of Sale. The Contract of Sale consists of the content of the Order, the general provisions and conditions of the Contract of Sale, the provisions of the Rules, as well as the Confidentiality Policy, and the points adopted by the Buyer that apply to the Contract of Sale. The Contract of Saleis regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Poland. The terms of the Contract of Sale are also an integral part of the Rules and are available in this User Agreement.

A Force majeure is an external, unpredictable event beyond the will of the Seller and the Buyer participating in the Contract of Sale that leads to the impossibility of fulfilling contractual obligations. If the event of Force majeure prevents the completion or partial fulfillment of any of the parties' obligations by Order, namely the epidemic, pandemic, fire, natural disasters, military operations of any nature, blockade, prohibitions on export or import, or other events outside of one of the parties' control, the specified time to fulfill the obligations is postponed for the time during which such events last. If the indicated events last more than 6 months, each of the parties has the right to terminate the further execution of the Order, in which case none of the parties has the right to demand any compensation from the other side. The party for which the fulfillment of the obligations becomes impossible must immediately inform the other party.

Promotions are special sales regulated on conditions outlined in separate Rules related to the special offer of a Site acting during a defined time, which the User can use on the conditions specified in it. In case of discrepancies between the provisions of the advertising action's rules and the provisions of the Rules, the provisions of the Rules published on the Site have a predominant force.

An agreement on the provision of services is a document that defines the Rules for concluding Contracts of Sale and the Rules of the provision and use of free services offered by the Seller through the Site in the Customers' interests. This document determines the rights and obligations of the Buyer and Seller. As for the services provided in electronic form, these Rules are the provisions specified in Art. 8 of the Law of July 18, 2002, on the provision of electronic services (legislative messenger of the laws of Poland 2002, No. 144, pos. 1204, as amended).

A Personal Data Administrator i.e. the Buyer’s Personal Data manager is an Online Store available on the global Internet at the URL, hereinafter called the Administrator and being both the Seller and the Site Service Provider.

Cookie files are small text files sent to the Visitor’s Browser and kept on their computer, mobile phone, or another device from which the Visitor accesses the Site. Cookies send information to the Site at each visit. They are widely used to improve sites’ operation, more efficiently navigate pages, and facilitate user interaction with the Site, as well as to provide other necessary information to the Site’s owners.

Site (online store) terms of use
1. To interact with the site, the device and operating system of the User must meet the minimum technical requirements.

2. The acceptance of the website rules and the provision of personal data by the User is voluntary but necessary to create an Account or conclude a remote Sale agreement on the Site.

3. The User can change/correct the Personal Data entered when creating an Account at any time using the options available in the User Account.

4. The administrator of personal data is the Seller.

5. The Seller uses the relevant technical and organizational actions to protect the processed Personal Data of the User.

6. Personal Data of the User is processed by the Seller for purposes described in detail in the Privacy Policy and cookie files.

7. The User has the right to access his or her Data, and request a correction, deletion, restriction of processing, and transmission of data on the conditions established by applicable law. Also, the User has the right to file a complaint to the body authorized to protect Personal Data (personal data protection management). More information on this item can be found on the page "Privacy Policy."

Rights and obligations of the user/buyer
A user interacting with the Site is obliged to:

1. Use the Site in a way that will not violate its work.

2. Take no action to send or post unwanted information on the Site, or perform actions to obtain legally protected information, the addressee of which the User was not.

3. Use the Site in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation in the territory of the Republic of Poland, the provisions of the rules and privacy policy, and the customs adopted in this area.

4. Do not provide or transfer content prohibited by the provisions of the current legislation.

5. The User has the right to notify the Seller of any violation of his or her rights, as well as any violation of the rules outlined in the User Agreement or Privacy Policy.

6. The User has the right to notify the Seller of any violations, failures, or interruptions in the work of the Site and improper quality of services.

7. The User has the right to delete his or her Account and stop using the Site at any time. To do this, the User has the right to terminate the service agreement.

8. Any questions, reservations, or complaints regarding violations, failures, or breaks in the provision of services and the functioning of the Site must be sent by the User to the Seller by email.

9. Some messages sent to the User by email are created automatically. Such messages (automatically generated) contain an appropriate text (such as "please do not respond to this message"). If the User sends a response to such an email (to the email address from which an automatically generated letter was sent), the User admits that the Seller cannot read this answer and learn the information from it. Thereby, before sending any email messages addressed to the Seller, the User must make sure to send them to the correct email address, i.e., indicated by the Seller for sending messages and conducting the necessary correspondence. The User can always write to the Seller through the feedback form on the Site. 10. The User undertakes that he or she will not violate the Rules of the Site.

11. The User undertakes not to provide false data or use third parties' data without appropriate permission from them or violate the rights of third parties.

12. The User undertakes not to violate the rights of ownership of the Seller or other third parties, including the rights of other users.

13. The User undertakes not to perform actions that are incompatible with the Rules of the Site or the applicable legislation of the Republic of Poland.

14. If the User or third parties using his or her Account violate the obligations of the Rules of the Site, the Seller, without damage to other rights and persons, may terminate the agreement of the provision of services. The Seller sends a notification of the termination of the provision of services by email until the end of the calendar month in which the violation was revealed. The date of termination of the agreement is the date after 14 calendar days from the date of sending a report on the termination of the agreement on the provision of services.

Rights and obligations of the Seller (online store)
1. The Seller takes measures to ensure the proper operation of the Online Store and undertakes to eliminate any violations in the work of the Site without undue delay.

2. The Seller is obliged to consider any complaints filed by the User regarding violations, defects, or interruptions in the work of the Site within 7 (seven) days and in justified cases - up to 30 (thirty) days. To avoid doubt, the above provision regarding the extension of the response time (up to 30 days) does not apply to complaints about the Goods purchased by the Buyer.

3. The Seller is obliged to send the Buyer a fully paid Order in a box of proper quality, without external damage.

4. The Seller is obliged to send the fully paid Order to the Buyer within the time specified on the Site.

Goods statuses
This section describes the statuses of goods found on our website. Knowing these statuses will allow the User to understand which goods are in stock, will arrive shortly, or are out of stock. Goods statuses differ in meaning from Orders statuses.

Out of stock (was not on sale)

This badge indicates that the product was not for sale on our Site. Whether the product will appear on our Site in the future is unknown, but the Buyer can leave a pre-order or add it to the list of expected.

Out of stock (was on sale)

This badge indicates that the product was in stock but is sold out. Whether this product will be available again is unknown. The price of such a product is its value on the date of its last sale on our Site. We do not guarantee the appearance of it at its previous price. The Buyer can leave a pre-order or add the product to the list of expected.


If a product has the "New" badge, it appeared on our website for sale within the last 30 calendar days. After 30 calendar days, this badge is automatically removed.


This badge means that the product is available for pre-order. It also indicates that we have already ordered this product from dealers and are waiting for it to arrive at our warehouse, and therefore, can indicate the preliminary price of its purchase. Please note that the price of such a product may change by the time it arrives at our warehouse due to reasons beyond our control (changes in shipping costs, changes in the exchange rate, etc.). The Buyer can either place an Order for such a product and pay for it or add it to the list of desired. When it arrives at the warehouse, an email message is sent to the User notifying about the receipt.

P.S.: in the future, we plan to change the pre-order system. It will be possible to place a regular order and pay in advance. For paid-up Products with a pre-order status, the price is reduced.


This badge indicates that we expect the appearance of the product, but we do not know the exact date of its receipt, nor the final price. The Buyer can only add such goods only to the list of expected. When it arrives at the warehouse, an email message is sent to the User notifying about the receipt. It may also happen the product will not available at all.

In stock

This badge indicates that the product is in our warehouse. A registered User can place an order for it.

In stock (1 left)

This badge indicates that the product is in stock, but there is only one left. A registered User can place an order for it.

When the last unit of the product is purchased, the status of the product changes to "Out of stock (was on sale)".

Placing an order
1. The User can place an Order in the following way: through the Account - after registering the Account and logging into the Account using the appropriate Login and Password.

2. Orders on the Site may be placed twenty-four (24) hours a day throughout the calendar year, given that Orders placed after 4:00 pm on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays will be processed on the next business day.

3. The Site may be unavailable to Users during regular maintenance or in the event of a technical failure.

4. To place an Order, the User, through his or her Account, using the appropriate Login and Password, performs the following actions on the Site:

4.1. Selects the Goods that will be the subject of the Sales Agreement by adding them to the Basket;

4.2. Selects the method of delivery of the Goods from the list available on the Site and agrees to the terms of the selected delivery;

4.3. Selects a payment method from the options available on the Site;

4.4. Checks the correctness of the entered/selected data regarding the Order. In particular, the quantity and type of the ordered Products, the place of delivery, the Buyer's data, the Price of the Goods, and the form of payment;

4.5. Confirms (by correctly choosing the appropriate checkboxes in the Basket) acceptance of the User Agreement and Privacy Policy;

4.6. Presses the "Place an order" button and thus accepts (consents) to conclude a remote Sales Agreement and Services Agreement, which means the Buyer's will to purchase the Goods of interest.

5. The Order will be confirmed in an email (to the email address specified by the Buyer) with the Order's number. This is a confirmation of placing an Order on the Site, and it does not create any obligations on the part of the Buyer or the Seller.

6. The Seller considers the placed Order in terms of the possibility of its implementation. The condition of the Order Confirmation is the availability of the Goods in the Seller's warehouse.

8. The Buyer has the right to cancel the Order by notifying the Seller by email until the payment for the Order, which is considered a conclusion of the Sales Agreement.

9. If the execution of the Order is partially or completely impossible, the Seller should inform the Buyer without undue delay (by email) about the cancellation of the Order fully or in part. If the Buyer chooses to cancel the Order partially, then the subject of the Sales Agreement concluded upon the execution of this Order will be the Goods that the Seller can send. In this case, the Seller is obliged to recalculate the price of the order and, if necessary, change tits delivery cost.

10. Within 2 (two) days after receiving an offer to partially cancel the Order, the Buyer is obliged to confirm to the Seller in an appropriate form (by email) of consent. If the Buyer does not provide the Seller with an appropriate confirmation (by email) within the allotted time, the relevant Order will be considered completely canceled.

11. The Seller confirms the possibility, readiness, and a start of the execution of the Order through the Site and after receiving the full payment for it from the Buyer. The Seller must send the Order as soon as it is ready for transfer to the Delivery Service. After sending, the Seller must transfer to the Buyer the number of the shipment (tracker), which is sent to the email specified by the Buyer. The delivery address is taken from the personal data that the Buyer entered when registering on the Site.

12. The content of the placed Order and the related Sales and Purchase Agreement, as well as the content of the Clauses accepted by the Buyer, in the wording obligatory for the Parties on the date of conclusion of this Sales and Purchase Agreement, must be available to the Buyer in the Buyer's «My Account».

13. The Contract of Sale is binding and concluded binding between the Seller and the Buyer after placing the Order if the Goods are available. The confirmation of placing an Order is an email to the Buyer with the Order's number and a list of the ordered Goods. The date of delivery of the email on the subject "Order number No...." is the day when the message was sent to the email address specified by the Buyer by the Seller's Website.

14. The Seller is not responsible for errors made by the Buyer when placing an Order on the Site (incorrect phone number, incorrect email address, incorrect Order delivery address, and incorrect quantity of the Goods in the Order).

15. The Seller may inform the Buyer about the Order's status by email. The Buyer can see the Order's status in the «My Account».

16. The Buyer who has placed an Order with the payment method "pre-paid order" must pay for it within 48 hours from the moment of placing the Order, including weekends (Saturday, Sunday) and holidays within the meaning of the Non-Working Days Law - Legislative Gazette of the Laws of Poland 2015, paragraph 90, as amended). The Seller reserves the right to cancel an Order that violates the current Rules of the Site, with prior notice to the Buyer via an email message.

17. The Site reserves the right to cancel any Order that violates the Site Rules set forth on the Site. The Seller may cancel the Order upon mandatory notification by sending an email to the Buyer.

Order statuses
This section describes only the statuses of Orders found on our Site after their placement. Knowing these statuses will allow the User to understand what is happening with the Order now, where is it located, and what the next stage is. These are Order statuses, and they differ from the statuses of Goods on the Site.


This status appears after the Order's placement on the Site. Order Placement is only possible for registered Users. All placed orders can be seen in the «My Account».

Money has been deducted from the Customer's card

This status appears after the Buyer has fully paid for the Order and the money has been credited to the Seller's account. Payment is made in the ways available on the Site.


This status means that the Order has been sent for equipment. As soon as all the ordered goods are collected, preparations for their shipment will begin.

Ready to ship

This status means that all the Goods from the Order have been collected and packed in a box. The Order will be sent as soon as possible.


This status means that the Order has been paid for, collected, and sent to the Buyer at the address specified in the Order. After sending the Order to the Buyer, the number (tracker) of the shipment is sent via email. This number (tracker) can also be seen in the Order itself. The Order's data can be viewed in the «My Account».

Delivered and paid for

This status means that the Buyer received the Order at the indicated address, and the Buyer has no claims against the Seller regarding this Order.


This status means that the Order was fully paid for, but the shipment was postponed for a certain period at the request of the Buyer. This status, as well as the time of the reservation, is visible in the «My Account». Such an Order will be sent automatically at the end of the reservation period. Such an Order can be sent before the end of the reservation period if the Buyer informed the Seller about it. The reservation of the Order cannot exceed the time specified in the Rules of the Site.


This status means that, for some reason, the Buyer or the Seller canceled the Order. The reason for canceling will be visible in the comments to the Order. If the Order has been paid for, then the money will be returned to the Buyer in full.

Purchase return

This status may appear if the Buyer wants to return the Order in full or in part. Return of Goods occurs according to the rules described in the relevant section of the Site.

Money returned

This status may appear if the Seller returned to the Buyer the money paid for the Order in case of full or partial refusal of it. Refunds are made according to the rules described in the relevant section of the Site.

Payment for Orders
On the Site, payment for the Order can be made as follows:

1. For orders with delivery by post of Poland, as well as by a transport company, payment is made by invoice or bankcard through authorized services in accordance with the information specified on the Site.

2. The Order payment term is 24 hours from placing the Order. In the absence of the Buyer's payment within the said period, the Purchase Agreement will not be concluded, and the Order will be canceled, of which the Buyer will be notified by email.

3. Simultaneous payment for the Order by bank card and electronic transfer (payment by details) is impossible.

4. If the Buyer has made a payment by bank card or electronic transfer through an electronic payment system, the refund (for example, in connection with the Buyer's withdrawal from the Purchase and Sale Agreement) is made to the bank card or bank account from which the initial payment was made.

5. The Buyer may also expressly agree to another method of refund if it has been previously agreed in writing with the Seller.

6. The Buyer can choose an available form of payment for the Order when placing an Order on the Site.

Order delivery
1. The parcel with the Order is delivered to the address specified by the Buyer when placing the Order, using a Delivery Service. After placing an Order, a change in the delivery address can be made at the written request of the Buyer sent by email to the Seller. The delivery address can be changed only before the Order is transferred to the Delivery Service.

2. Detailed information about the types and terms of delivery offered by the Seller (the way the Seller provides the service with the help of the Delivery Service) can be found on the page "Delivery in Europe" and “International Delivery”. Available delivery methods may vary depending on the location of the Goods and the address of the Buyer.

3. The total waiting time for the Buyer to receive an Order (delivery time) is the sum of the time the Seller needs to complete the Order (preparation of the Order for shipment) and the delivery time of the Delivery Service. The execution time of the Order is counted from the moment of confirmation of the full payment for the Order and is no more than 3 working days, that is, days from Monday to Friday, excluding weekends and holidays. Delivery of the Order and outside Europe differ in execution time, which also depends on third parties and the country of destination.

4. All Delivery Costs should be paid by the Buyer unless otherwise provided by the Sales Agreement or agreed in writing with the Seller. The delivery cost (including the transportation costs, delivery, and postal services) is indicated on the Seller's Website in the appropriate section or when placing an Order on the Site.

5. The Delivery Cost can be seen when placing an Order on the Site or on the page "Delivery in Europe" and “International Delivery”. Shipping prices on the page "Delivery in Europe" and “International Delivery" are preliminary and may change depending on the Order.

6. When checking the quality of the Goods received in the Order, the Buyer does not have the right to open the package of the Goods until the acceptance of the Order. If the Buyer is not satisfied with the quality of the Goods, he or she must inform the Seller about it and apply for the return of the Order.

7. The Seller may change the Delivery Cost depending on the number of Goods in the Order and the weight of the Order.

8. Estimated delivery time from a warehouse in Europe is 15 working days from the date of dispatch of the Order. After sending the Order, the Seller is obliged to provide the Buyer with the departure number (tracker).

9. For Products with the status of Pre-Order, delivery is possible no earlier than the Buyer places the Order and pays for it after the official release of the Product on the European market. The estimated release date is indicated on the Product page in its characteristics. The release date of the Goods may be changed by a third party for reasons beyond the control of the Seller.

Warranties and liability
1. The Seller is not responsible for damage caused to the Buyer due to improper use of the Goods ordered on the Site.

2. The Seller is not responsible for minor inaccuracies in the factory painting of the Goods or their parts.

3. The Seller is not responsible for the condition of the packaging of the Goods unless it was specifically stipulated and agreed upon between the Buyer and the Seller. All Goods are sent to the Buyer in a box of good quality, without damage. Minor damage to the packaging is not grounds for returning the Goods.

4. The Seller is obliged to deliver the Goods without visible external defects. If a Product has a defect, the Buyer has the right to return the product and the money for it or exchange the defective product. If the defective product cannot be replaced with a similar one, the Buyer will be refunded. In case of exchanging a defective product for another product with a price difference, the Buyer either pays the difference in Price or receives a refund for the difference in Price from the Seller.

5. If the Buyer opened the package, and violated the integrity of the original packaging of the Goods, then no claims for defects in the Goods are accepted, and its guarantee is canceled. The packaging is an integral part of the Goods, which are sold in a sealed package. The Goods cannot be returned if the packaging was opened after delivery for reasons of trade dress infringement, health, or hygiene.

6. The Seller photographs all Goods before sending them to the Buyer to confirm that they do not have a factory defect in the form of broken or damaged parts.

7. If the Buyer operates Goods negligently, e.g., the moving parts of the Goods are bent with physical force (effort), this may lead to breakage or damage to the Goods. Any such damage will void the Seller's warranty and cannot be a basis for a claim.

Conditions for returning an order
1. The Buyer, who is a Consumer, has the right to withdraw from the Service Agreement and the Remote Sales Agreement without giving reasons within 14 days from the date on which the Buyer or a third party authorized by the Buyer to receive the Order took possession of the Goods. The packaging must be in the same condition as when the Goods were sent to the Buyer.

2. The Buyer, who is a Consumer, does not have the right to withdraw from the Remote Sales Agreement and Service Agreements in the following cases:

2.1. The subject of the Sales Agreement is a Good that spoils quickly or has a short shelf life.

2.2. The subject of the Sales Agreement is the Goods delivered in a sealed package, which, after opening the package, cannot be returned for reasons of dress infringement, health, or hygiene.

2.3 The subject of the Sales Agreement is a Product manufactured to the Buyer's specification or serving to meet his individual needs.

2.4. The subject of the Sales Agreement is Goods that, after delivery, are by their nature inextricably linked with other Goods.

2.5. The subject of the Sales Agreement is the Goods purchased by the Seller specifically for the Buyer.

3. To exercise the right specified in paragraph 1 of this section of the User Agreement, the Buyer must inform the Seller of the decision to withdraw from the Service Agreement and the Sales and Purchase Agreement using an unambiguous written statement provided to the Seller's contact details indicated on the Seller's Website. This can also be done by sending a letter/email message.

4. To exercise the right to withdraw from the Service Agreement and the Purchase and Sales Agreement, the Buyer must use the sample application for withdrawal from the Services Agreement and the Sales and Purchase Agreement, which can be found as an appendix to this User Agreement.

5. In case of withdrawal from the Service Agreement and the Sales and Purchase Agreement, the Seller must return the money for the Goods, but not the Order delivery cost to the Buyer. The Seller does not refund, directly or indirectly, the cost of shipping or returning the goods to the Seller. The Seller must make the return of funds no later than 14 days from the date of receiving information that the Buyer refuses the Purchase and Sales Agreement but not earlier than the Buyer returns the goods in proper quality.

6. Refund of payment is carried out by the same payment methods the User chose when placing the Order. Regardless of the method of returning the Payments, no commission is charged for this.

7. After the Buyer exercises the right to withdraw from the Service Agreement and the Sales Agreement, the Buyer is obliged to return the Goods delivered to the Seller. The Goods must be returned to the address provided by the Seller in correspondence no later than 14 days from the date when the Buyer notified the Seller of the withdrawal from the Service Agreement or the Sales Agreement in writing. The term is considered to be met if the Buyer sends the Goods back within 14 days. All costs of returning the Goods shall be borne by the Buyer. The Buyer is obliged to return the Goods in proper quality.

8. The Seller has the right to delay the refund until the return of the Order is received.

9. The right to cancel a remote contract is granted from 01/01/2021 to an entrepreneur who is an individual and has entered into an agreement directly related to entrepreneurial activity but does not have a professional nature for a legal entity.

10. Buyers who are not Consumers do not have the right to withdraw from the Sales Agreement and the Service Agreement.

11. Refunds for the Order are paid at the Prices specified in the Order, even if the Price has changed since the purchase.

Return of defective goods
1. The Seller is under warranty liable to the Buyer for physical and legal defects of the purchased Goods in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code.

2. Any claims of the Buyer may be directed to:

The Site,through the Feedback Form, at the URL -

Return of the Goods is made only after the Seller's written consent.

3. The claim must contain the following information about the Buyer submitting it: full name, postal address, email address, and contact phone number, a detailed description of the complaint, and defect confirmation in the form of photographs.

Also, the claim must indicate the order number, the date of payment, and receipt of the Order. If the Buyer refuses to provide this information, claims will not be considered by the Seller.

4. The Seller considers claims within 14 business days from the date of their receipt.

5. The Seller notifies the Buyer, who filed the claim, about the method of considering it by a letter sent to the address indicated in the claim or by email (depending on the method of filing the claim).

6. If the Buyer, who is a Consumer, by the provisions of the guarantee against defects, requests a replacement of the Goods or the elimination of a defect, or submits a request for a price reduction indicating the amount by which the price should be reduced, the Seller must respond within 14 days. If this did not happen, then the Seller considered this request of the Buyer justified.

7. The Buyer who is a Consumer and wishes to receive assistance in resolving a claim may contact the Consumer Ombudsman of the municipal or county district, who will provide free assistance and advice on protecting the Consumer's interests.

8. If to consider the complaint it is necessary to deliver the Goods to the Seller, the Buyer is obliged to deliver the goods at his or her own expense.

Privacy Policy
The administrator of personal data processed on the Site in connection with the implementation of the Rules of the current User Agreement and the Service Agreement is the Seller. The privacy policy mainly contains the rules regarding the processing of personal data by the Administrator of the Site, including the grounds, purposes and period of personal data processing, the rights of data subjects, as well as information on the use of cookies and analytical tools. Personal data is processed for the purposes and period specified in the Privacy Policy published on the Site in the relevant section.

Settlement of disputes
1. Detailed information on out-of-court dispute resolution methods and access to them can be found at the URL -

2. The URL hosts the platform of the online dispute resolution system between consumers and businesses at the EU level (ODR platform). The ODR Platform is an interactive, multilingual one-stop-shop website for consumers and businesses seeking out-of-court dispute resolution related to contractual obligations arising from a Sales Agreement or Service Agreement.

1. All materials on the Site are protected by copyright. All rights not granted to the User directly by the provisions of the User Agreement are reserved. Users may use the works and databases contained in the websites of the Online Store only within the scope of the permitted use specified in the provisions of the Law of February 4, 1994, on copyright and related rights and the Law of July 27, 2001, on the protection of databases. Except for the cases specified in these provisions, the following is prohibited for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of the Service Provider: reproduction, copying, transmission, distribution, or storage of part or all of the content of the Seller's Website, unless otherwise provided by the Regulations.

2. All trademarks, trade names, product names, and logos displayed on the Site are the property of their respective owners. Any rights not expressly mentioned here are reserved.

3. The Seller gives the User consent to print copies or extracts from the Seller's Site solely for personal use, not related to business, commercial or professional activities.

Changes to the User Agreement:
Last update: 30.05.2022

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