Datenschutz- und Cookie-Richtlinie

Privacy Policy
The Seller is the administrator of personal data processed on the Site in connection with implementing the Rules of the current User Agreement and the Service Agreement. The privacy policy contains mainly the rules regarding the processing of personal data by the Administrator on the Site, including the grounds, purposes, period of processing of personal data, and the rights of data subjects, as well as information on the use of cookies and analytical tools. Personal data is processed for the purposes and the period specified in the Privacy Policy published on the Site in the relevant section.

General provisions
1. The Site's Privacy Policy is informative, which means that it is not a source of obligation for Visitors and Buyers of the Site. The Privacy Policy contains the rules for processing Personal Data by the Administrator, including the grounds, purposes, and period for processing Personal Data, as well as information about the use of cookies and analytical data processing tools used on the Site.

2. The administrator of personal data collected through the Site is the Site available on the global Internet at the URL and registered under the name limited liability company Toyworlds, which is entered in the register of the Central Accounting and Information on Economic Activities of the Republic of Poland, headed by the Minister of Economic Affairs and located at str. Mostowa 1, 80-778 Gdansk, Poland, IIN 52113918351, OKPO 388013714, email: phone number: (+48) 518193829, hereinafter referred to as the “Administrator” and being both the Personal Data Operator and the Seller.

3. Personal data is processed on the Site by the Administrator following the applicable law. In particular, following Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, on the protection of individuals in connection with the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) – hereinafter referred to as "RODO" or "RODO Norm". The official text of the RODO is located at the following URL on the global Internet:

5. The use of the Site, including for the conclusion of Sales Agreements, is voluntary. Similarly, the provision of Personal Data by the Buyer on the Site is voluntary, with two exceptions:

5.1. Conclusion of purchase and sales agreements on the Site with the Seller - failure to provide, in the cases and to the extent specified on the website of the Online Store, as well as in the Rules of the Online Store and this privacy policy, personal data necessary for the conclusion and execution of the Purchase Agreement or a contract for the provision of Electronic Services with the Administrator, leads to the impossibility of concluding this contract. The provision of personal data, in this case, is a contractual requirement, and if the data subject wants to conclude this contract with the Administrator, he is obliged to provide the required data. Each time, the amount of data required to conclude an agreement is formerly indicated on the website of the Online Store and in the Rules of the Online Store;

5.2. Statutory obligations of the Administrator - the provision of personal data is a mandatory requirement arising from generally applicable legal provisions that impose on the Administrator the obligation to process personal data (for example, processing data for tax or accounting purposes) and failure to provide this data will not allow the Administrator to fulfill these obligations.

6. The use of the Site by the User means unconditional acceptance of the Privacy Policy and the terms of processing the Personal Data of the User of the Site. In case of disagreement with the terms of the Privacy Policy, the Site User must stop using the Site.

7. The Site Administration is the operator of only those personal data that it receives from the Site Users when using the Site with their consent provided by the User of the Site performing conclusive actions on the Site.

8. The Site Administration does not verify the accuracy of personal data provided by the Site User on the Site. The Site Administration proceeds from the fact that the Site User provides reliable and sufficient personal data and keeps this information up to date. All responsibility for the consequences of the provision of false or invalid personal data is borne personally by the User of the Site.

9. Personal data permitted for processing under the Privacy Policy are not special or biometric, they are provided by the Site User by filling out special forms on the Site termlessly (up to the withdrawal by the Site User of his consent to the processing of personal data). By filling out the relevant web forms and/or sending personal data to the Site Administration, the Site User expresses consent to the Privacy Policy.

Depending on the web form filled in by the User, the data includes the following information but is not limited to full name, Buyer's email address, Order delivery address, and contact phone number.

10. If the Site Administration cannot in any way correlate the information specified in clause 9. of the Privacy Policy with the Site User (an individual), the Site Administration will not consider this information to be Personal Data.

11. Taking into account the nature, scope, context, and purposes of the processing, as well as the risk of violating the rights or freedoms of individuals with varying likelihood and severity of the threat, the Administrator implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that the processing was made in accordance with this rule and be able to prove it. These measures are reviewed and updated as necessary. The Administrator uses technical measures to prevent the receipt and modification by unauthorized persons of personal data sent electronically.

12. All words, expressions, and abbreviations found in this Privacy Policy and starting with a capital letter (for example, Seller, Site, etc., etc.) should be understood in accordance with their definition contained in the User Agreement, available on the Site in the relevant section.

Processing of personal data of Site Users and their use
1. The Site collects and stores only those personal data of the Site User that are necessary for the provision of services or the execution of sales contracts with the Site User, except when the law provides for mandatory storage of personal data for a period specified by law.

1. The Administrator has the right to process Personal Data in cases where at least one of the following conditions is met:

1.1. Providing Site Users with registration (creating an account) on the Site, authorizing access to the Site and any other cases related to such actions;

1.2. Providing the Site User with access to the personalized resources of the Site, such as the Personal Account;

1.3. Establishing feedback with the User of the Site, including sending notifications, requests regarding the use of the Site, the provision of services, and processing requests and applications from the User of the Site. Also, to provide the User with effective customer and technical support in case of problems related to the use of the Site;

1.4. Ensuring the operability and security of the Site, to confirm the actions performed by the Users of the Site, prevent cases of fraud, computer attacks, and other abuses, as well as to investigate such cases;

2. For the proper functioning of the Site, including for the implementation of the concluded Sales Agreements, it is necessary for the Administrator to use third-party service providers (for example, a software provider, a courier service, a postal service, etc., etc.). The Administrator uses only such service providers that provide sufficient guarantees for the implementation of the relevant technical and organizational aspects and their processing meets the requirements and protects the rights of the persons to whom the Personal Data relates. The Site stores the Personal Data of the Site Users in accordance with the internal regulations of specific services.

3. Concerning the personal data of the User of the Site, their confidentiality is maintained, except for cases of voluntary provision by the User of data for general access to an unlimited number of persons. When using individual services, the Site User agrees that a certain part of his personal data becomes publicly available.

4. The Site has the right to transfer the personal data of the Site User to third parties in the following cases:

4.1. The Site User has agreed to such actions;

4.2. The transfer is necessary for the use of a certain service, or the execution of the Sale and Purchase Agreement with the Website User;

5. The Site Administrator hereby notifies the User that if the User wishes to clarify personal data, block, or destroy it if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained, or not necessary for the declared the purpose of processing, or if the User wishes to withdraw his consent to the processing of personal data or eliminate illegal actions of the Site Administration in relation to the personal data of the User, then the User must send an official request to the Site Administration through the feedback form on the Site.

In case of sending an official request, in the text of the request should be indicated the User's full name, the number of the main document proving the identity of the User (the subject of Personal data or his representative), information about the date of issue of the specified document and the authority that issued it, information confirming the interaction of the User with the Site Administrator and/or the Site available on the global Internet at the URL, or information otherwise confirming the fact of processing the Personal Data of the User, and the signature of a citizen (or his legal representative).

Such a request is sent electronically and must be executed in the form of an electronic document and signed with an electronic signature in accordance with Polish law.

6. The Site Administrator undertakes to immediately stop processing the Personal Data of the User from the moment of receipt of a written application (review) from the User and, if the storage of Personal Data is no longer required to process Personal Data, to destroy it within the time and under the conditions established by the Polish legislation.

7. The User has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of Personal Data by the Administrator at any time based on the expressed consent (based on Art. 6, paragraph 1 letter a) or Art. 9 paragraph 2 letter a) of the RODO Regulation), without affecting the legality of the processing of Personal Data that was collected based on the User's consent until the withdrawal of consent to the processing of Personal Data.

8. The User confirms that by providing his personal data and giving consent to their processing, he acts voluntarily, of his own free will and in his own interest, and also confirms his legal capacity.

9. By providing his personal data, the User agrees that the provided personal data will be processed both with the use of automation tools and without it.

10. The User has the right to access, rectify, restrict, delete ("the right to be forgotten"), or transfer his Personal Data, as well as to restrict its processing by the rights outlined in Art. 15-21 of the RODO Regulations.

11. The User has the right to file a complaint against the Administrator to the supervisory authority in the form and manner specified in the rules of the RODO Regulation and Polish law, in particular, the law on the protection of personal data. The supervisory authority in Poland is the President of the Office for the Protection of Personal Data.

12. The User has the right to object for reasons related to his particular situation - to object to the processing of his Personal Data on the basis of Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. e) (public interest or objectives) or f) (legitimate interest of the Administrator), including profiling based on these provisions. In such a case, the Administrator is no longer allowed to process the Personal Data of the User, unless he demonstrates that there are valid legitimate grounds for processing that override the interests, rights, and freedoms of the User of the Site, or grounds for establishing, investigating or defending lawsuits/claims.

Profiling on the Site
1. The RODO regulation imposes on the Administrator the obligation to inform the Site User about automated decision-making, and the rules for their application, including profiling, specified in Art. 22 sec. 1 and 4 of the RODO, as well as the meaning and expected consequences of such processing. That is why the Administrator discloses information about possible profiling on the Site in this paragraph of the Privacy Policy.

2. The Administrator may use profiling for direct marketing purposes on the Site. Decisions made by the Administrator on the basis of profiling do not apply to the conclusion or refusal to conclude a Sales Agreement. The result of profiling use on the Site may be, for example, provision of a discount to a specific User, sending of a discount code, reminding of unfinished purchases, or sending of offers of a Product that may correspond to the interests or preferences of this User. Despite profiling, the User independently decides whether he wants to use the information obtained in this way or not.

3. Profiling on the Site is an automatic analysis or prediction of the User's behavior on the Site, for example, by adding a specific Product to the Cart or analyzing the previous purchase history on the Site. The condition for such profiling is that the Administrator has the Personal Data of the User to be able to send information to the User (for example, a discount code).

4. The User of the Site, to which the Personal Data relates, has the right to disagree with the offer from the Site, which is based solely on the automated processing of the User's Personal Data.

Cookies on the Site and their use
1. The Site Administrator may use the services of GoogleAnalytics (provided by Google Ireland Limited) and Yandex.Metrica (provided by Yandex LLC) on the Site. These services help the Administrator collect statistics and analyze website traffic. The collected data is processed as part of the above services to create statistics useful to the Site Administrator and to analyze traffic on the Site. The Administrator, using the above services on the Site, collects such data as sources and means of attracting visitors to the Site by analyzing their behavior on the Site, information about the devices and browsers of the Visitors, IP address, geographic location, and demographic data (age, gender) and interests of the Visitor. Such data is aggregated.

2. In terms of the storage period of inormation, Cookies can be:

2.1. Persistent. These cookies are stored in the User's web browser after the end of the session (unless the User deleted them).

2.2. Session cookies. These cookies are stored in the Website Visitor's web browser only for the duration of the session, i.e. until the User leaves the Site.

3. In terms of the purposes of information use, cookies are divided into:

3.1. Performance cookies. These cookies receive and accumulate information about the use of the Site by the Visitor, in particular, visited pages and the presence of error messages. These cookies do not collect personally identifiable information. The information received is collected in such a way as to ensure its anonymity. Such information allows us to improve the operation of the Site;

3.2 Functional. These cookies allow the Site to remember all the Visitor's choices and the information provided by the Visitor (such as username, language, or country of residence). The use of functional cookies significantly enhances certain features and makes them more personalized. In addition, these cookies are used to provide the services requested by the Visitor, such as watching a video or commenting on a blog. These files use anonymous information and do not track the Visitor's actions on other sites.

4. The Administrator may process the data contained in the Site Visitor's cookie for the following specific purposes:

4.1. Analysis of the Visitor's interaction with the Site to improve it;

4.2. Identification of Site Visitors as Buyers on the Site;

4.3. Remembering Personal Data when registering a User on the Site or when placing an Order on the Site;

4.4. Keeping anonymous statistics of the Site's use;

5. Most modern Internet browsers store cookies by default when visiting sites located on the global Internet. The user of Internet browsers independently determines the conditions for storing cookies through the settings of the Internet browser on his device.

6. Rejecting all cookies used on the Site may lead to its incorrect operation or inability to access the Site.

Obligations of the parties
1. The Site User undertakes:

1.1. Provide correct and truthful information about Personal Data necessary to use the Site and conclude a Sales Agreement.

1.2. Update, and supplement the provided information about Personal Data in case of changes in this information.

1.3. The Site User is responsible for the legitimacy, correctness, and truthfulness of the Personal Data provided in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Poland.

2. The Site Administrator undertakes:

2.1. Use the information received about the Buyer's Personal Data solely for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

2.2. Ensure the storage of the Buyer's Personal Data in secret, not to disclose without the prior written consent of the User, and not to sell, exchange, publish or disclose in other possible ways the transmitted personal data of the User, except as provided in this Privacy Policy.

2.3. Block Personal Data relating to the User from the moment of the appeal or request of the User or his legal representative or authorized body for the protection of the rights of subjects of Personal Data for the verification period in case of detection of false Personal Data or illegal actions of the User.

2.4. The Site Administrator is responsible for the deliberate disclosure of the Personal Data of the Site User in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, except as provided for in this Privacy Policy.

2.5. The Site Administration takes all necessary measures to protect the Personal Data of the Site User from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, or other illegal actions of third parties.

2.6. In case of loss or disclosure of Personal Data, the Site Administrator is not responsible if the Personal Data:

2.6.1. Became public domain before its loss or disclosure;

2.6.2. Was received from a third party before it was received by the Site Administrator;

2.6.3. Was disclosed with the consent of the Site User;

2.6.4. Was obtained by third parties through unauthorized access to the files of the Site;

2.7. The Site Administrator undertakes not to disclose the Personal Data received from the Buyer. It is not considered a violation that the Seller provides Personal Data to agents and third parties acting on the basis of an agreement with the Seller to fulfill the obligations of the Purchase Agreement to the Buyer, and only to the extent necessary to fulfill these obligations.

2.8. Disclosure of Personal Data in accordance with the reasonable and applicable requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Poland is not considered a violation of obligations.

2.9. The Site Administrator is not responsible for the confidentiality of information provided by the Buyer in a public form.

Additional Provisions
1. The Site may contain links to other sites on the global Internet. This privacy policy applies only to the Site of the Administrator/Seller.

2. The use of the Site by the User means the unconditional and voluntary acceptance of this Privacy Policy and all changes made by the Administrator to the current Privacy Policy.

3. Continuing to use the Site means voluntary and unconditional consent to the processing of the User's Personal Data.

4. The Site Administrator has the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy without the prior consent of the User.

5. The new version of the Privacy Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Site in the relevant section unless otherwise provided by the Site Rules.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Last update: 05/30/2022

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