Order cancellation

Any completed, paid Order/Pre-Order may be canceled by the Buyer in agreement with the Seller, in compliance with the requirements and conditions, which differ depending on which Order the Buyer refuses. Our Site offers a flexible system for canceling any Orders (including preliminary ones) since we are customer-oriented.

Cancellation of products from the Wish List
Any Product from your Wish List can be canceled without conditions because the Products from this list are not prepaid, and their inclusion in the Wish List is informational for the Buyer (when such a Product arrives at the warehouse, the Buyer is notified by email). To cancel Goods from the Wish List, the Buyer must go to the Site in the "My Account" and go to the appropriate section.

Cancellation of pre-orders
Most Pre-Orders can be canceled at any time as they are in a notification (stock) status. Payment for such Pre-Orders is made after the Order is placed. To cancel a Pre-Order, log in to the "My Account" on the Site and go to the appropriate section. If the Buyer has prepaid Pre-Orders, then to cancel those the Buyer must do the same steps as for canceling paid Order.

Attention: now it is not possible to pay for the Pre-order on the Site.

Cancellation of an item from a reserve
The Buyer may cancel any of the Reserved Pre-Orders. To cancel them, the Buyer must follow the same steps as for canceling paid Order. The Product from the canceled Order will automatically go on sale, and the Seller may change the Prices for this Product without notifying the Buyer.

Cancellation of paid orders
The Buyer has the right to cancel a paid Order within 14 days from the date when the Buyer or a third party authorized by the Buyer to receive the Order took possession of Goods from the Order. The packaging of Goods must be in the same condition as when Goods were sent to the Buyer. The Buyer may also refuse the paid but not transferred to the postal, courier, or transport service Order.

When canceling any paid Order, the Buyer must inform the Seller of the decision to cancel the Order through an unambiguous written statement sending a corresponding message by email. To cancel the Order, the Buyer must use the sample order cancellation application, which can be found on the Seller's Website. The Buyer cannot refuse the Order if the Buyer opened Goods delivered in a sealed package or the Seller purchased Goods specifically for the Buyer.

After the Buyer has canceled the Order, the Buyer is obliged to return Goods received in the Order to the Seller. Goods must be returned to the address provided by the Seller to the Buyer in electronic correspondence no later than 14 days from the date on which the Buyer notified the Seller of the withdrawal of the Order. The deadline is considered to be met if the Buyer sends Goods back within 14 days and notifies the Seller in writing. All costs of returning Goods shall be borne by the Buyer. The Buyer is obliged to return Goods in proper quality.

The funds for the canceled Order are returned to the Buyer in accordance with the rules described in the "Order Return" section. You can read more about how to return an Order in the "Returning an Order" section.

Attention: if the Buyer regularly cancels paid Pre-Orders, then the Seller has the right to refuse such a Buyer to pay for Pre-Orders in the future.

Cancellation of mailed orders
When the Order has the status "Sent" and the Buyer has received a letter with a tracking number to the email specified in the Order, it is impossible to cancel such an Order. The Seller does not return money for such an order, because the Order has already been sent to the Buyer. Please note that it may take some time between the actual moment of sending the Order and when the Buyer receives an email with a tracking number. The Buyer can return the already sent Order by declaring desire to make a "Return of the Order" and fulfilling the necessary conditions for returning the Order.

Cancellation of unpaid orders
Cancellation of any unpaid Order occurs automatically if the Buyer has not paid for it within 3 (three) calendar days from the date of receipt of information about its payment. The Product from the canceled Order will automatically go on sale, and the Prices for this Product may be changed by the Seller without notifying the Buyer. If the Buyer needs more time to pay for the Order, the Buyer must agree in writing the time required to pay for the Order.

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