Product quality

For many buyers, the purchased Goods must be of the proper appearance, because they can be a gift to someone or a person collects Goods in their original boxes and does not open them. Therefore, we pay special attention to the condition of the packaging, and if the condition of the perfect packaging is important for the Buyer, then we are happy to send the Buyer additional pictures of the Goods before shipping.

When Goods arrive at our warehouse from manufacturers or dealers, we check the condition of the packaging for each Good. Most of the Goods in our warehouse had just arrived from the dealers/manufacturer and were taken out from their transportation boxes in which they were sent to the Seller. Some Goods’ packaging may have minor imperfections such as scratches, abrasions, dents, or creases.They do not spoil the overall appearance of the package and are suitable for opening or displaying in the package. However, this condition of the Item may not satisfy the needs of a serious collector who wants a nearly perfect package. That is why we allow our Buyers to ask us to take a photo of the product before shipping.

If the box has any signs of packaging wear, then we try to notify the client about this, show the defect and find out whether the box is in suitable condition or not. Usually, such defects are unacceptable for collectors who collect in boxes, but the item itself is brand new and in perfect condition.

All goods are stored in our warehouse, in separate boxes, in a dry and heated room. We collect the Orders of our Buyers ourselves to ensure that the Product left the warehouse in the condition indicated on the site or shown in the photo. Our warehouse is clean.

The following problems with the product we do not consider it a defect and therefore we do not accept claims on it, nor do we return/exchange or refund it.

1. Minor inaccuracies with the factory painting of the product or parts of the product.

2. The condition of the packaging of Goods, if its condition was not specifically stipulated and agreed between the Buyer and the Seller. All goods are sent to the Buyer in a box of good quality, without damage. Minor defects in the appearance of the box of Goods, such as small scratches on the box, scuffs, dents, or wrinkles are not grounds for returning Goods.

Attention: if the Buyer opened the packaging, and violated the integrity of the original packaging of Goods, then no claims for product defects are accepted, and the guarantee is canceled. The packaging of the product is an integral part of the product, which is sold in a sealed package and the product cannot be returned after opening the package for reasons of trade dress, health, or hygiene.

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