Order reserve

Sometimes, when placing an Order on the Site, the warehouse does not have one or more figurines that should appear on the Site shortly, or the Buyer has not yet fully decided on the list of necessary Goods that is in stock on the Site, and then the only opportunity to postpone the sending of the completed and paid Order for some time is the only way to not overpay for several deliveries. In this case, the Buyer may need our new service - Order reserve.

On our Site, it is possible to use the reserve of Orders, which allows the Buyer to flexibly manage the storage and dispatch of Orders on the Site, combining several paid Orders into one before dispatch and delivery. Thus, the Buyer can save money on the dispatch and delivery of Orders. The reserve of Orders is possible only with 100% payment for the order itself (delivery is paid separately).

Any Order on the Site can be placed in reserve. The maximum period for the Order to be in reserve is 30 calendar days starting from the next day after payment for the Order. The first 30 calendar days of the Order reserve are free of charge, and the reserve over 30 calendar days is paid separately. The term of the paid reserve of Orders cannot exceed 180 calendar days. If the Buyer does not pay for the delivery, then 1% of the cost of the Order is summed to the cost of the Order as a paid reserve.

If there are several Orders in reserve with different dates of registration and payment, the term of the reserve is considered from the day of the very first Order in reserve. All the time of reservation, the Buyer's Order is in our warehouse and stored in appropriate conditions that in no way harm the presentation of Goods from the Order in reserve.

After 30 calendar days, the Buyer will be notified that the time of the free reserve of the Order has ended and the Order must be sent to the Buyer or the time of the reserve must be extended on a paid basis. The Buyer can see information about the last date of the reservation of the Order in the “My Account”, next to each reserved order. Order in paid storage can be sent only after full payment of the amount accrued for the paid storage of the Order. The Buyer also receives information about the expiration of the Order reserve period by email specified during registration.

Reserve status is removed from Orders automatically when the reserve time ends. The buyer is informed about this by email in advance to determine further actions. After the expiration of the reserve period, the paid order will be sent automatically if the delivery cost is paid. If not, then the invoice for the delivery will be issued to the Buyer, and after payment, the order will be sent to the specified address. If the Buyer does not pay for a delivery, then the cost of a paid reservation is added to the cost of the Order at the rate of 1% of the Order amount.

The ability to reserve an Order is an additional convenience for Buyers who regularly make purchases on our Site. We are pleased to offer this service to our customers.

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